Quoc-Tuan Truong

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I am a machine learning scientist at Amazon Personalization, where I'm currently building AI Shopping Guides among other things. Previously, I was in Pricing Science working on price forecasting and optimization for Amazon WW Stores.

Growing up in Vietnam (xin chào!), I went to VNU Hanoi for my undergrad. Thereafter, I came to Singapore and did my PhD at SMU, working with Prof. Hady W. Lauw. I'm currently based in Seattle.


Research Interests:

  • Machine Learning Methods and Theory
  • Applied ML for Search and Personalization
  • Web Mining, Learning from Human Behavioral Data

I've also developed Cornac framework to ease research and development of multimodal recommender systems. Our BiVAE model is leading the benchmark by microsoft/recommenders, and my implementation of BPR should be the baseline for RecSys comparison (independent research).

Publications [DBLP] [Google Scholar]


Conference Organization
Program Committee
Journal Reviewer
  • ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD)
  • Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS)
  • IEEE Intelligent Systems (IS)
  • IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAC)
  • IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM)
  • Neurocomputing (NEUCOM)